The COVID-19 pandemic is currently the greatest problem of the modern world. Constantly spreading infections, fear of becoming infected, as well as hindered everyday functioning, affect not just physical but primarily mental health as well. Everyone, without exceptions, is struggling against the disease. Find out how to cope with urinary incontinence in the times of pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic
For more than a year, the world has been struggling against an unremitting wave of incidence of the COVID-19 disease, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The index case of the disease occurred on 17 November 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. As soon as 4 months later, the World Health Organization changed the disease’s status from epidemic to pandemic, since the virus had already spread across a large part of the globe. For more than a year, the entire world has been trying to contain the virus and let people get back to normal functioning. The pandemic has forced us to take specific measures to prevent spreading of infections. Limited travelling, mandatory quarantines, or even curfews, are just some of them…
COVID-19 pandemic limitations
The COVID-19 pandemic has successfully thwarted the plans of the entire world. It has caused global economic and social disruptions. It was the cause for cancellation of greatest sport, religious or political events. Cultural centres, shopping malls, service outlets and restaurants in Poland are currently shut down. The world has stood still and people are desperately struggling for their businesses and for themselves to survive.
Results of the coronavirus pandemic
People infected by the coronavirus are currently a priority. New hospital wards are being transformed, temporary and field hospitals are being built to ensure the best care possible to the patients and to prevent further spread of the virus. Apart from the obvious health and economic effects, one should also mention the effect of the pandemic on human psyche. Mental diseases are among the world’s greatest health problems. Contacts with other people and physical activity are factors necessary to maintain the mental health, and both of those are strongly limited during the pandemic. This is compounded by fear and panic for one’s own and your close ones’ health, as well as concern aboutthe family finances. All of this causes increased incidence of depression – a disease that had already posed a serious problem before the pandemic.
The problem of urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence is a condition affecting an increasing number of women. Both young and older persons struggle against it. The most frequent type of incontinence is stress urinary incontinence in which urine leakage occurs during physical effort. An uncontrolled leak of urine may take place not only at a gym but while sneezing, coughing or laughing as well. The main cause is weakening of pelvic floor muscles due to such causes as obesity, undergone surgeries in the area of reproductive and urinary tracts, pregnancy or childbirth. Urinary incontinence is also a problem that affects the psyche. Fearing a urine leakage, many women start limiting their contacts with other people and giving up on activities used to bring them joy.
Urinary incontinence and the pandemic
Urinary incontinence is a condition doubly onerous during the pandemic, and this state of affairs will probably remain afterwards. Women struggling against this condition use the toilet definitely more often, which is largely limited under the current circumstances. Closed shopping malls, restaurants, or public toilets prevent change of sanitary pads or inserts. Lack of comfort, including mental one, is a very serious problem for people struggling against urinary incontinence. Such a state of affairs will surely continue after the end of the pandemic as well. The blockade against using public toilets, as well as against the viruses and bacteria found there, will keep people company after the pandemic and pose another hindrance in overcoming of urinary incontinence.
Urinary incontinence tampons – how can they help during the pandemic?
Inserts and pads are products intended to provide women suffering from urinary incontinence with comfort and ease. However, using them requires frequent change, which, in turn, requires using a toilet. The response to the women’s need, especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, may be URITAM urinary incontinence tampons. Their main advantage, particularly important in the context of the pandemic, is the fact this product may be worn for up to 12 hours. Inserting and removing the tampon in your own bathroom, you can be certain about your safety and hygiene.
The tampons are discrete and invisible beneath the clothing, which is a major advantage, e.g. in case of swimsuits. This is a perfect solution, both in the age of pandemic and afterwards, as well as for everyday use and for the days when the highest level of comfort is what matters to you.